Sunday 30 November 2014

What are RAR files?

RAR file format is the native file format of the WinRAR archiver. A RAR file is like a folder of compressed files. The format was developed by Russian software engineer Eugene Roshal. He also developed the WinRAR software package.

Wednesday 19 November 2014

What is Contained in .NET for Windows Store Apps?

When crafting a C# application for the Windows Store, you will see a reference to ,NET for Windows Store apps automagically added to your Project References. A quick dip in the Object Browser will show the new namespaces that proudly make up the new prefab units for Windows Store. Sample namespaces are shown below:


Understanding SPCs

An SPC is a software publisher certificate, stored in a pfx file. The pfx stores private and public keys and can be used for signing releases. The pfx suffix stands for Personal Information Exchange. Some CAs (certificate authorities) store private keys in a .pvk file in which case a conversion to .pfx can be performed using the Pvk2Pfx tool. It also works on .spc files (not to be confused with spectroscopic data files!). 

Tuesday 18 November 2014

Why is there no const keyword for methods in C# like there is for C++?

The key difficulty is verifiability at compile-time. An implementation using the [Pure] attribute has been discussed meaning the function has no side-effects; or a "getter" can be used which is effectively the same thing.

What's the Story Behind System.Numerics?

System.Numerics was introduced in .NET 4 and supports BigInteger (arbitrarily large signed integers) and Complex classes. Both are implemented as public structs.

Friday 14 November 2014

How to Create a Protected Method in a Sealed Class in C#?

Can't be done and in fact doesn't make sense; given that a sealed class cannot be inherited. Similarly, it makes no sense to create an abstract method in a sealed class. Sealed classes can inherit from other classes though.

File History in Windows 8

Windows attempt at a versioning file system.

Hacking the Path Variable in Windows 8

Hit the Windows key - then type Control Panel.
In Control Panel search, type Path.
(The edit the path, making sure you click OK when you exit the Screen).

Deciphering Interactive Services Detection

Interactive Services Detection is the software that comes up with the cryptic message: "A program running on this computer is trying to display a message". It is actually a Windows service named UI0Detect.

Wednesday 5 November 2014

The Two Sets of APIs to Build Windows Runtime Apps

These APIs are Windows Runtime and WinJS.  The latter enables you to build HTML/JavaScript applications with equivalent functionality to XAML (specifically the Windows.UI.Xaml namespace equivalent functionality).

WinJS.Application provides application level functionality such as activation, storage and application events. When you create a new Windows JavaScript application, you'll see this namespace referenced in the default.js under the js folder of your solution.

Windows 10

Windows 10, the next version of Windows, can be previewed via the Windows Insider Program.

Starting Visual Studio Express on Windows 8

Go to Search and type in VS. This will find Visual Studio Express.