Saturday 13 September 2008

Do Androids Dream of Dalvik VM?

I can tell you categorically that Androids DON'T dream about Dalvik VM.

Android apps, however, are built to run on a Dalvik VM (named after a fishing village in Iceland) which implements most of core Java and runs on Linux kernel version 2.6 (currently the latest version). If you are still running 2.4 you need to upgrade ASAP to 2.6 (which includes NUMA enhancements for multiprocessor, hyperthreading support for intel P4 amongst other things) to run Dalvik VM. Don't delay.

For app developers use Eclipse or IDE of choice (e.g. NetBeans or IntelliJ) on Windows as your Java/Android devstudio.

A common question - what are the differences between Dalvik and "traditional" JVMs. For one thing, java.awt with its great AlphaComposite class is notably absent, instead there is some import*; business going on. java.applet is also absent. Have a look at this example of android-style Java.

Java for Androids.What's next?

What's next is Scandaldroid - in other words - Scala on Android. Scala, the functional, object-oriented hybrid can use all the libraries of Java and C#.

scalac android.scala, folks.

Also worth checking out is the Google Android blog and a WordPress blog on Android.

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