Wednesday 1 July 2009


Aristo's Dilemma

"How does one obfuscate one's Dot net code?" asked the aristocratic programmer. "Why is such obfucation useful, even, dare one say it, necessaire?"

"Dude, Obfuscation, or should I say, Dotfuscation, is about scrambling radical code, data and symbols to thwart the reverse engineering of one's awesome Dot Net code," replied Bill, of Excellent Adventure fame.

"Oui, oui, but how does one achieve such, as you say it, Dotfuscation, or to paraphrase, obtain obfuscated statoos in one's programmatory creationarios?" insisted Monsignor Aristo. "I am most concernatoried with respect to tools like that dastardly Reflector being used to read my most excellent codified verbiage".

"Dude, if your verbiage is, like, on the server, then it's not an issue, man!!" ranted Bill, and Ted echoed. "Yeah, dude. For web scenarios, it's like, no problem".

Aristo was not satisfied. "This is a most pertinent issue for ISVs selling client applications containing 'les secretes' of trade".

"Ok, then!" said Bill. "Try Dotfuscator Community Edition, man". Said Ted, "Yeah, dude. Protect your dot net apps, dude".

"Dotfuscator? As in Dotfuscation?" inquired Aristo. "What other options do I have? Can one utilise open source libros well to achieve same end-goal? If answer is nein, can one develop one's own obfuscation software? What techniques can one use to achieve same end-goal?"

Dotfuscation Techniques

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