Sunday 7 February 2010

The Unofficial Rules of Software Development (Coding)

Technical and Mechanical Rules

So, you're suffering from programmer's block? No worries let the following precepts help you.

1. If you write the interface the implementation writes itself.
2. If you write main() the program follows.

Here are some more maxims to guide and inspire professional software development:

1. Do not be deterred when people desire to see code rather than understanding. Focus on understanding and the code will come.

2. At the same time, do not ignore implementation.

3. Once implemented, reflect. Could I have done things better. What was good about my design, what could be improved. Could I have done the same job FASTER, MORE EFFICIENTLY.

4. Writing properly structured and well-documented code is a great skill.

5. The most satisifying coding sessions are those that start when you are hazy and fuzzy about a subject and progress to a stage of clarity, at least clarity about what you were confused about to start with.

6. Coding sessions through the night is like going through a long, dark tunnel. You need faith and hope to keep you going.

7. Program night or day, summer or winter.

8. Michael Dell: "Celebrate for a nanosecond then move on". There is always an interesting problem waiting to be solved.

9. Creativity, the desire to solve unsolved problems, or to solve problems more efficiently than people of the past, that is what drives programmers.


How to become freewheeling in programming? Programming should be as easy and straighforward as playing in sand. But to achieve this requires long hours of practice and analysis. Sometimes you get programmers block and nothing seems to work. Consider taking a break, watching television, a mystery drama or some such. Amazingly, after a period of mental relaxation (not sleep but relaxation) the mental block may be removed.

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