Sunday, 24 May 2015

Excellent News on Windows 10 - Conquering the "Internet of Things"

The Windows 10 kettledrum keeps banging with the latest news flow for developers released by Microsoft.  It is an awesome "Internet of Things" oriented golden API strategy to maximise developers' learning investments to reach across a multitude of connected devices. It's called the Universal Windows Platform.

Friday, 1 May 2015


Plato believed (as detailed in his Politeia) in rule by aristocracy, where his definition of aristocrat was not "hereditary peer" but more akin to "philosopher-king".

A true Windows programming master, is not just empowered in programming skill, but also multi-versed in opinion on programming language direction, platform/ecosystem direction and so forth.

Such a technology-oriented "philosopher-king" is also deeply motivated to share their power (knowledge=power) with others and is constantly improving.