Monday, 1 October 2018

Projections, Projections Everywhere - C++17 comes to Town

In a nutshell.
  1. C++/CX ("component extensions") are extensions to C++ to create  Windows Runtime (WinRT) applications in as native a C++ style as possible
  2. C++/WinRT is the recommended alternative to interacting with WinRT (available in the Windows 10 SDK from version 1803 onwards) and is C++17 language compatible
  3. Projections are thee new name for bindings
Roughly speaking, WinRT is the Win32 API ported from C to C++, with a whole load of new stuff for Windows 10 and beyond.

Developing for the Surface Requires Embracing UWP

If you need to develop applications for the Surface, start learning the UWP API. These are for UWP (Universal Windows Platform) applications on Windows 10.