Friday 31 October 2008

DirectX - The Next Episode

In August 2008, MS released their new DirectX SDK (compatible with XP as well as Vista) which includes Direct3D 10. In it there is a new "Games for Windows Branding Tool" to help test games versus "Games for Windows" test requirements.

Here is the home page for DirectX.

You can't call yourself knowledgeable about Windows programming if you don't know DirectX. The tutorials requires a basic familiarity Win32 programming such as the Windows message loop architecture (translate/dispatch).

DXUT is layer built on top of Direct3D to make tools easier to build. It simplifies the process for creating a "device" and processing Windows messages. Other tutorials focus e.g on creating a wave effect using a vertex shader.

Finally, if you think DirectX is just for games programmers think again. WPF, Microsoft's new GUI technology, renders graphics in DirectX via milcore.dll.

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