Friday 3 October 2008

Programming Addicts

England's Guardian runs an awesome story on exercise addiction, called "Kicking the Habit". Could the same psychological affliction affect modern-day computer programmers?

Furthermore, are some programmers addicted to both programming AND exercise? What drives people to such addiction?

"Exercise addiction" is a term coined by Dr William Glasser , the "Warren Buffet of psychiatry", in a 1976 study of long-distance runners. He identifies a negative addiction when a SINGLE DAY away from the gym or pool causes distress. For some programmers, perhaps a day away from programming causes distress, hence we see the parallel's with Glasser's study.

But Why? Is it the endorphins of exercise, the joy of achieving something or just the impulse of crazy competition taking control of our psyche?

Originally a chemical engineer, Dr Glasser went into psychiatry when he realised that was his real interest in life. Who can blame him? Psychiatry is an important and fascinating discipline! As Donald Trump famously states: "Don't Waste Your Life on Work You Don't Love; Passion Will Help You Do Better". Read the blog of The Donald here.

In the 5th Century BC, psychotic traits were considered supernatural in origin (see wikipedia).

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