Wednesday 28 January 2009

C# 4.0 Unveiled at PDC 2008

Topics that were covered included dynamic typing, optional and named parameters, improved COM interoperability, and covariance (overriding return types) and contravariance support. Eric White has a write-up here. The dynamic allows you to define a dynamic type, where member resolution is deferred till runtime. This allows for interoperability like languages like Python.

Anders Hejlsberg introduces the history of C#, from c# design group started in dec98 to build a new language for mged code. c# 2.0 - new features that didn't have time cos had to ship, c# 3.0 - first oppo to think of new things to do in langgeLINQ, functional progr features.

New features focus on more declarative styles of prog, dynamic prog lang resurgence, concurrent -> multi-core inflection pt. uber-trend -> classical taxonomies of prog lang are starting to break down. increasingly seeing langs borrow from each other. c# multi-paradigm prog lang, oop and all cornerstones of functional needs. imperative - hard to see forest from the trees - specify in excurciating detail.

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