Saturday, 10 October 2015

RAID Logs for Software Projects - How to Practically Use Them

RAID logs are a useful tool in complex projects.  They should be kept regularly updated after team meetings.

  • Risk - records negative impact events, and plan to manage them. 
  • Assumptions - what you assume is in place for your project to be a success.  This warrants a description of the assumption, and rationale for making the assumption. Is the assumption based on prior experience or other evidence. Are there any validating actions to determine if the assumptions are valid or remain valid throughout the project. At what stage is that validation required or feasible to execute. The impact if the assumption is incorrect is also important to understand.
  • Issues -  a problem in your project that needs managing - need to record description, impact, and actions. Issues should have an owner and current status.
  • Dependencies - either your project depends on those, or others depend on you. Log who you are dependent on, what they need to deliver and when

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